January 29, 2021

Protest Marketing: Positive change tourism.

The start of the year has seen climate change, over-tourism and the protection of nature as hot topics in the media agenda. With the tourism sector slowly restarting after a tumultuous 12-months, it now has a chance to redefine its role and think about how it can become a force for good for environmental protection.

January 2021 saw the success of content tourism marketing videos generating award wins along with plenty of publicity due to their 'protest content messaging'. The videos have highlighted issues such as over-tourism, protecting nature and raising awareness for climate change. Tourism boards looking for inspiration on how they can promote sustainable activity can also join the Bohinj Tourism’s ‘Green Movement’ page, which looks at best practice examples from across the globe.  

Below are three examples:

The Slovenia Tourist Board Award Winning Video

This January the Slovenian Tourist Board won a gold award at the European Travel Commission - CIFFT Video Competition 2020 Awards for their video released during the Covid-19 lockdown. The film focused on ‘allowing the world to breath’ with a big emphasis on looking after nature.

Salla 2032 Campaign

Another video used for PR purposes that gained global media coverage was from Finland’s most northern town Salla. The video aimed to use the global brand of the Olympics to raise awareness of the state of the climate emergency by creating a mockumentary video highlighting issues with temperature rises.

Pure New Zealand 

Finally, New Zealand launched a video with an underlying ‘overtourism' focus and anti-influencer theme, aiming to encourage people to stop going to places for ‘likes’. Influencers have been in the public eye and continue to get scrutinised by the British media and public for their behaviour.

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