Inside AM+A
February 6, 2019

This month we're ditching the sweet stuff for charity

Question: What do Danish pastries, BBQ sauce and Miniature Heroes all have in common?

Answer 1: They’re annoyingly delicious.
Answer 2. We definitely shouldn’t eat as much of them as we do.
Answer 3: They’re well and truly banned from the AM+A office this month.

That’s right, all throughout February the AM+A team will be saying sayonara to sugar in order to raise money for Cancer Research UK. There’s no doubt the road will be long and littered with trail mix, but there’s nothing that can’t be achieved with a little willpower and copious amounts of walnuts.

You can monitor our progress on our Instagram page.

Alternatively, if you feel inspired to help us raise money for this very worthy cause, please donate whatever you can here

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